Monday, 10 January 2011

What now God?

The issue of change is the issue of things: who is in control, why is it happening, am I helped or hurt, do I sit loose or tight to it, and do I own change or am I owned by it?

These are ego issues which are spiritually based.

Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything. Oswald Chambers

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the strength and the conviction to work at the task you have entrusted to me. Thank you for guiding me straight and true through the many obstacles in my path. And for keeping me resolute when all around seemed lost. Thank you for your protection and your many signs along the way. Thank you for any good that I may have done, I'm so sorry about the bad. Thank you for the friends I've made. Please watch over them as you have watched over me. I will fight the good fight until I finish the race, keeping the faith.

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