Saturday 13 November 2010

is it outreach week?

I guess Lassie didn't know it was 'outreach week' at her church. Otherwise she would have helped.

Forget the stupid idea of 'outreach week'.

Learn to love your neighbour.

Get off the couch.

Get active in your neighbourhood.

“The great wisdom traditions of the world all recognize that the main impediment to living a life of meaning is being self-absorbed.” Barbara Brown Taylor

"When the shadow of Jesus' cross darkens our space, when pain and suffering intrude our secure, well-regulated lives are blown apart, when tragedy makes its unwelcome appearance and we are deaf to everything but the shriek of our own heartache, when courage flies out the window and the world around us suddenly seems dark and menacing, self-pity is the first, normal unavoidable, and probably right reaction; and we only exhaust ourselves further if we attempt to suppress it.

Human experience has taught me that there is no effective way to fight self-pity. Sure, we can spiritualize heartbreak, camouflage our emotions and tap dance into religiosity. But such bravado is a denial of our humanity, and furthermore it does not work. we are not spiritual robots but sensitive persons...however there comes a time when self-pity becomes malignant, seducing us into self-destructive behavioral patters of withdrawal, isolation, drinking, druggin' and so forth. We simply ask for the grace to set a time limit on our self-pity.

What does lie within my power is paying attention to the faithfulness of Jesus. That's what I am asked to do; pay attention to Jesus throughout my journey, remembering his kindness." Brennan Manning

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