Sunday 27 June 2010

the cure for the blues is love

a man may lose everything, but find joy in what he still has.

You thought you'd found a friend
To take you out of this place
Someone you could lend a hand
In return for grace

That my friends is a Beautiful Day...

Matthew 13:43-51
"Are you listening to this? Really listening?

"God's kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic—what a find!—and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field.

"Or, God's kingdom is like a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. Finding one that is flawless, he immediately sells everything and buys it.

"Or, God's kingdom is like a fishnet cast into the sea, catching all kinds of fish. When it is full, it is hauled onto the beach. The good fish are picked out and put in a tub; those unfit to eat are thrown away. That's how it will be when the curtain comes down on history. The angels will come and cull the bad fish and throw them in the garbage. There will be a lot of desperate complaining, but it won't do any good."

Jesus asked, "Are you starting to get a handle on all this?"

Jesus didn't give you his grace to make your kingdom work; he gave you his grace to invite you into a different kingdom.

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